Doer and I accidentally stumbled upon the Exposición del Ninot 2017 when we dropped by the City of Arts and Sciences with our friend Wendy at the end of January. Most of the combustible figures are destined to burn the final night of the Fallas festival this Sunday; however, each year one of them is pardoned by popular vote, and it is destined to live in perpetuity in the Museo Fallero, which we visited earlier this year.
The entrance to the exposition at the City of Arts and Sciences
After the ninot indultado, or pardoned ninot, is announced tonight, the unfortunate remaining figures will be placed around the bases of the doomed giant monuments, which also happen to be called fallas.

Of course, some ninots that paid homage to the Fallas festival itself.

Many ninots are sexually suggestive.
There’s plenty of potty humor.
Artists have used ninots as vehicles of social critique for quite some time.

I think of this next one as The Bull’s Revenge.
Politics and politicians are frequent targets of ninot satire.

Mariano Rajoy, prime minister of Spain

Donald Trump, president of the United States

Angela Merkel, chancellor of Germany
There also was an area dedicated to ninots made by children.
Other random ninots.

And the winner is . . . .
After viewing the exposition, Doer and I voted for our favorites. The ninot pictured above received the most votes, and it will be spared from the flames and will live out its days in the Fallas museum in Valencia.
Love looking at all the art pictures and your sense of humor posts!