
Our dog, “Latte,” is a compulsive paw-licker. When Dreamer and Latte first moved in with “Buddy” and me, I’d get annoyed at Latte when he was going at the same paw for ten minutes while we were trying to sleep or watch a movie. The fur was already dripping wet and it was clearly clean – couldn’t he at least move on to another paw? But Dreamer always told me it was soothing to him, so we should let him continue.

I think we have found Dreamer’s version of paw-licking…

Papers on Table

Suffice to say, we ran into some more bureaucratic snafus this morning. Thank goodness I have our giant new MFC printer/scanner all setup in our new apartment finally (more on our getting settled soon!). Above is the before appointment behavior and below is the after. Dreamer was doing this for a full 15 minutes in each case, I swear. And for the record, I fully support this behavior 🙂

Using the MFC

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